By Lorraine Duitsman
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

11/6/23 Principal Newsletter

By Lorraine Duitsman
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Dear Parent and Student and Educator,

See below for upcoming reminders.  Please remember to get out and vote on November 7th! 

Nov. 8th is picture retake day.

Cold Weather Items We have been lucky to have great weather this fall, but this past weekend was cold.  We are getting to a time of year that will continue to cool off.  Below are some reminders as the weather cools down. Students have access to lockers if they would like.  Lockers were assigned at the start of the year, and we can easily look up your number and combination and assist you with opening your locker. Stop in the main office for support.  Students are welcome to lock coats, hats, gloves, etc. in their lockers.   Once in the building, students are to remove hats and hoods. Blankets, large coats, parkas, snuggies, slippers, etc., cause a disruption to the learning environment, and are not appropriate to have on you during the school day. Large coats, parkas, etc. need to be in your locker by the 7:55 a.m. bell.  Blankets, snuggies, etc. should not be brought to school.  

Students are encouraged to dress in layers, so they can adjust for the weather. We keep a consistent temperature on our thermostats set in classrooms, and with a big building, and with changing weather, temperatures may fluctuate from classroom to classroom. Students are not to touch the thermostat.  

During RAMS Time, students have additional time to complete practice work and receive additional support from their teachers.  We utilize a program called FlexiSched to schedule and notify students of learning support and enrichment opportunities. Students check their “Flex” schedule everyday prior to RAMS time. This week, we will be utilizing RAMS time to pre-teach the importance of Veterans Day and revisit positive behaviors.

Daily habits of positive school attendance and “attending to the learning” while in class are key factors that affect student school performance.  Students are encouraged to take notes, complete essential practice work, seek help from the teacher, attend RAMS time intervention support, and make use of study hall during RAMS time. Student practice is essential and has a direct linkage on the ability for students to demonstrate proficiency on summative assessments the first time.  Students should be able to track their outcome learning in each class through their individual proficiency scales by what they can do/know on each progression of the scale (2, 3, & 4) PRIOR to any exam or assessment.  Encourage your student to share their proficiency scales with you and reflect on how they are doing in their classes and steps they are taking as a student to learn and improve. 

Student Reassessment Available

After school reassessment time is provided every week Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in room A208. Alternative times may be arranged through the teacher for those with transportation conflicts.  If students do not pass initial outcome assessments or wish to raise their performance, reassessment is available to all students.  Students should meet with their teachers to develop a plan for improvement in performance. 

Note: Students must pass every outcome in a course to receive credit and maintain eligibility.  If students are not successful in passing an outcome after further attempts at learning and reassessment, we encourage you to contact your student’s teacher and guidance counselor. We will work with students and families to develop a plan for student needs in learning and accessing additional support and credit recovery available. For information regarding our reteach / reassess process at the high school, see our Revised Guidebook

Nov. 10th, Veterans Day Assembly at GHS:

9:15-9:30 am, veterans and special guests arrive at the HS, greeted by student leaders in the cafeteria. 

9:45–10:30 am, assembly in the large gym; cake and refreshments to follow for veterans & guests.

Who is encouraged to attend? 

Veterans, military men and women, members of military organizations, and family members of veterans. Past graduates of GHS who have joined the military are also welcome.  Guests will be seated on the gymnasium floor seats. Students will be seated in bleachers.  Guests are encouraged (not required) to wear service uniforms, something representing their military branch, or red, white, and blue. We hope you join us! 

Parking for Veterans

We will have some reserved up front parking for Veterans along the main entrance curb and also in the Auditorium lot. Both entrances will have student greeters assisting you with entry into the building and to our cafeteria to check-in with us.

Fall Play

The GHS fall play will be held in our auditorium, Nov. 10th and 11th.  Both dates are at 7pm. 

AP Exam Informational Meeting

Mrs. Rodenburg met with AP students during RAMS Time on Friday, Nov. 3rd to give them more information about the AP Exam that will take place in May. The students have been asked to indicate on a google form, emailed to them, whether or not they plan to take the AP Exam in May. They were also given this handout to bring home. 2024 AP Exam Information

November Ramily Event 

Nov. 14th at 5:30pm, Ramily will be at Northeast Elementary for “BINGO for BOOKS.” This event is for ALL ages. Bring your families and dinner will be provided. Winners of BINGO receive a “We Both Read” Book from Treasure Bay!

Veterans Day FlyerStudents of the Week

Reach out if you have questions.  We are here to help and welcome your feedback. 

Have a great week RAM Nation!  Every day is a great day to be a RAM!

Mrs. Duitsman